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DRS 4-4-1000

CP 8000







Built by : Baldwin

Built in : 1948

Serial Number : 73967-2530

Class : DRS-10a

Paint Scheme : Maroon & Grey "Script" paint scheme

This Photo : M. Lawrence, 1974. From the E.D. Motis collection.


Other Photos (chronological) :

1. CP 8000 at Victoria, B.C., painted in the Maroon & Grey "Block" paint scheme. Photographer unknown, 1964. From the Bill Sanderson collection;

2. CP 8000 at Wellcox, B.C., painted in the Maroon & Grey "Script" paint scheme. Photo by Mac Owen, 1975. From the Ron Visockis collection;

3. CP 8000 at Port Coquitlam, B.C., painted in the Tuscan & Yellow paint scheme. Photo by Claude Prutton, 1985;

4. CP 8000 at Ogden, Calgary AB., painted in the Tuscan & Yellow paint scheme. Photo by Dale Winkler, 2004;

5. CP 8000 at Ogden, Calgary AB., painted in the Tuscan & Yellow paint scheme. Photo by Doug MacKenzie, 2006;

6. CP 8000 at Port Coquitlam, B.C., painted in the Tuscan & Yellow paint scheme. Photo by Mark Forseille, 2009;

7. CP 8000 at Port Coquitlam, B.C., painted in the Tuscan & Yellow paint scheme. Photo by Mark Forseille, 2009.


Notes : Built by Baldwin (1948), retired (6/1975). Held by CP as part of their historical collection. Donated to the West Coast Railway Association, Squamish, B.C. (2007), for future cosmetical restoration. Unit is missing traction motors.




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